Do you know about piezo actuators for dynamic applications? Sign up for our free webinar!
Identifying the parameters of a dynamic system
The webinar “Actuators for dynamic applications” (or Actuator II) gives a basic introduction to dynamic applications. The Mason model and how to identify the parameters of a dynamic system will also be covered. The webinar also introduces to the important calculations you need to know, when working with piezo actuators for dynamic applications. We will also go over some specific examples of piezo-based applications.
1.5 hours free piezo webinar
Two of Noliac’s experienced engineers will guide you through the webinar. They both have thorough knowledge of piezo actuators and piezo technology. The webinar is live, and with a chat function, you can pose questions along the way.
Book your seat now!
There is a limit of 25 participants for each webinar, so sign up now!
You will receive a link approximately 1 week before the webinar takes place. This webinar takes place on October 29 at 3 pm (Copenhagen time).
Do you want to prepare for the webinar?
You can prepare for the webinar by going to our piezo tutorials. Here you can find a tutorial with the same content as the webinar. This webinar is the second of our two webinars about Actuators. If you missed Actuator I, you can find it as a piezo tutorial on our website along with all the other tutorials.
Go to the tutorial for Actuator II “Actuators for dynamic applications”
Sign up for our webinar on piezo motor devices!
The last of our webinars for 2015 is the webinar on piezo motor devices, which will be held November 17. This webinar describes different piezo motors focusing on Noliac’s own piezo motor, the Piezo Actuator Drive.