Size matters – even with piezo components! Noliac expands the range of dimensions
Bigger range – better service
Noliac offers a market leading level of possibilities to custom design your piezo components. We constantly look for ways to improve this service, and the range of dimensions is a particular focus area for Noliac. Cedric Goueffon, Global Sales Manager at Noliac A/S, explains:
- We know how important it is for our customers that the piezo component can be custom designed to match specific requirements. The range of dimensions is a key issue, both if the customer needs very small or very large piezo components. Therefore, we are happy to announce, that we are upgrading the range of dimensions. The upgrade of range will give our customers even better possibilities to explore the advantages of piezo technology in their applications.
Examples of large and small components possible with the improved range
OD 4 mm x TH 0.2 mm
OD 170 mm x TH 20 mm
L or W 1 mm x TH 0.2 mm
L or W 120 mm x TH 20 mm
OD 4 mm x TH 0.2 mm - ID 1 mm
OD 170 mm x TH 20 mm - ID up to 100 mm
OD 5 mm x TH 5 mm - ID 3 mm
OD 120 mm x TH 60 mm - ID up to 116 mm - WTH min. 2 mm
See the improved ranges for piezo components
Large components for sonars or deformable mirrors
There are many industries and a wide selection of applications, where the advantages of large piezo components can be utilized. Sonars and deformable mirrors are examples of applications that often are constructed with large piezo components in a specific shape depending on the application. We produce piezo components in all shapes from the most common shapes like plate, ring, disc and tube to even a horseshoe shape!
Small components for force sensors and scanning resonant probe
Just like the large components, the small piezo components are used in various industries in many different types of applications. For instance, small piezo components are used in applications as different as force sensors for online production equipment monitoring and for scanning resonant probes. Here, the applications rely on the precision and tiny size of the piezo components.
See examples of piezo-based applications
Custom solution?
We are ready to guide you with your next piezo-based application. If you need a piezo solution beyond our standard range, please contact us and we will find a solution to match your requirement. Please contact us either by using our Request for Quote form or contact sales.